Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Reflective Post: My Experience

22nd June, 2016

Reflective Post: My Experience

         During this semester I found this class to be somewhat of a challenge, and by “challenge” I mean “I have no idea how to to do any of this.” The reason on why I had such a difficult time throughout the course, is because of the mere reason that technology and I have never quite blended well with each other. Some of the struggles I faced within this six-week time frame would be not reading the instructions thoroughly. This flaw of mine has been with me since m first day of school, and unfortunately has cost me some grades that could have saved me through a lot. Another issue that I noticed is citing in APA format. I’ve been so used to the MLA for many years that I have tried to put MLA in instead of the correct citing format. Although these were my downfalls, I can say that I have proud moments. One of my great accomplishments in this course was not just some assignments, but how well I worked with other group members, picking up some of the most important skills to have when working with others, such as communication, learning your responsibilities, and overall knowing “there is no “I” in team.” One thing I am proud to say that I created was my own website! If only you could have seen my face when I finished my work. If I could change this class in any way one suggestion would be is stay the same, the course was fun and the professor was great. Once you learn how to navigate through canvas, everything should be a breeze.

Thank you, professor Coleman for your dedication to us and EME 2040.

Bibliography: years, charitytroi 3, & ago, month 1. (2009). KEEP CALM it’s summer semester. Retrieved June 22, 2016, from http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/p/keep-calm-it-s-summer-semester/ In-line Citation: (years & ago, 2009)         

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Digital Blog Post #E Chapters 4,7,& 9

First Concept:

The Alphabet Books

This is by far one of the greatest tools I have used in a classroom yet! The alphabet books are very helpful for students, especially for the students pre-K to 1st grade. It is a fun way for children to enhance their reading skills, their vocabulary, as well as pronunciation with letters. The number one reason on why I chose this for an interesting concept was mainly because it allows students to be the stars in their very own digital book. Kids love seeing pictures of them, especially when it is displayed across the computer screens in the classroom. Not to mention parents also enjoy them as much as their child. I have personally used this tool in my classroom, and would recommend it to any teacher wanting to use it as a teaching strategy. 

Second Concept:


I found this concept to be very interesting because it's a genius way for kids to study and learn at the same time. This tool for learning has been around for a very long time. The textbook displays a Jeopardy game used for gamification. And funny enough my professor at FAU used that same type of formatted game to help us study for our final. Although the textbook did explain both pros an cons, i believe the pros out ways the cons. Once I officially enter the teaching field, this will be on my to do list for my students.

Third Concept:
Pinnacle Gradebook

Using Electronic Grading Software

The reason why chose this as my third concept is because electronic grading softwares are debated all the time in the school systems. Some of the pros to of having this software is schools: it allows teachers to easily record grades and report the performances of individuals and the entire class. It also allows students and parents to have immediate access to grades, and progress reports. Some of the Cons its not made for all grade levels. For example not all school activities, particularly elementary level translate to a numerical score equaling a letter grade. Although I'm studying to be an elementary teacher, if I were to ever change my major to secondary education, I would most definitely use a electronic grading software.


jparr801 (2011) Digital alphabet book. Available at: https://youtu.be/c4cv9bLGGUg (Accessed: 13 June 2016).
(jparr801, 2011)
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Pinnacle Gradebook related Keywords & suggestions - pinnacle Gradebook Long Tail Keywords (2016) Available at: http://www.keyword-suggestions.com/cGlubmFjbGUgIGdyYWRlYm9vaw/ (Accessed: 13 June 2016).
(Pinnacle Gradebook related Keywords & suggestions - pinnacle Gradebook Long Tail Keywords, 2016)
Somonchelle (2015) Photo alphabet book. Available at: https://youtu.be/zENpR79A_R4 (Accessed: 13 June 2016).
(Somonchelle, 2015)
TeachHUB.com (2015) TeachHUB video Podcast: Classroom Gamification. Available at: https://youtu.be/uKOfnTVNk3c (Accessed: 13 June 2016).
(TeachHUB.com, 2015)

Sunday, June 5, 2016

The first concept that I found interesting in the text was communicating with Skype. The reason I found this topic so interesting was mainly because I personally have never heard of this method of teaching. Skype’s popularity has increased tremendously since its initial release in the year of 2003. Since the 2011 purchase of Skype by Microsoft, Microsoft has made Skype possible for classroom teachers to obtain connections with other teachers, schools, and organizations across the world. Skyping has made it very beneficial for students to learn about cultures, languages, and communication skills.

Here are some creative ways you can use skype in the classroom:
1.         Use it to collaborate with other classrooms
2.         Use it to conduct expert interviews
3.         Use it for tutoring

    The second concept that I found interesting is teachers creating their own blog.  Blogs are another form of communication outside of the classroom, that allows students and parents to access it at anytime. Blogs are very popular among English teachers especially because it allows them to promote literacy through writing and analysis of language. This also allows teachers to post information online, such as recent announcements, links to other websites that could help a student with a better understanding of the lessons. 
These are three basic types of education-related blogs:
1.         Organizational Blogs
2.         Subject Blogs
3.         Teaching and Learning Blogs

Example of a Teachers Blog!

    The last concept I found interesting is group work and collaboration. Group work and different forms of collaboration are very popular in school. The reason why I like these forms of teaching methods in classrooms is because it decreases the amount of teacher-centered whole group instructions, allowing students to perform different activities, and also allow them to be independent. “Group work does not let students do a task exclusively by themselves, but ask them to make use of the strengths that each student brings to the assignment.”

Listed below are some benefits on why group work and collaboration in classrooms are important to have:
  •  Break complex tasks into parts and steps
  •  Plan and manage time
  •  Refine understanding through discussion and explanation
  •  Give and receive feedback on performance
  •  Challenge assumptions
  • Develop stronger communication skills

 Heinemann Publishing. (2012, September 14). Best Practice: Collaborative Small Groups. Retrieved May 29, 2016, from https://youtu.be/QLaS429LAJA

 Hicks, K. (2015, May 9). 6 Creative Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom. Retrieved May 29, 2016, from http://www.edudemic.com/skype-in-classroom/

 Preschool Ponderings. (2015, July 8). Retrieved May 29, 2016, from http://preschoolponderings.blogspot.com/2015/07/my-favorite-blogs-for-teachers.html

 Skype. (2013). Skype in the Classroom connects classes in California, South Korea and Canada. Retrieved May 29, 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTnHAP19oAE

 What are the benefits of group work?-Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation - Carnegie Mellon University. (n.d.). Retrieved May 29, 2016, from https://www.cmu.edu/teaching/designteach/design/instructionalstrategies/groupprojects/benefits.html

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

1.         The first concept I chose was Tech Tools 1.1: Tablets, Smartphones, and laptops. The reason I chose to elaborate on this concept was because it focuses on how we use the tech tools in our daily life and not just for teaching. Being a current college student I’ve learned the importance of having these tools around me. With these tech tools I am able to take notes, do online computer work, check my social media, and use the internet as a search engine. Technological advancements are being created 24/7, and the first people to learn how to use them are children and young adults. If teachers implement these tools in their lesson plans, kids will be able to learn better, engage in activities, and show improvement all around. Having said all of this, I believe this will benefit both the child and the the teacher, and create a better relationship between them.

2.          The second concept is having a Technology-Based Learning Environment for kids during school and after. Unfortunately, teachers only have so much time in a day to educate their classes on a specific topic from their lesson plans. And not all kids can learn this information within the six-hour day period, so educators came up with the idea to extend the classroom outside of the classroom. Now teachers are able to “post notes, discussion questions, extra readings, and assignment on a class website or wiki, and students can post their work on the site as well.” This type of system also allows students to have online tutors, and video clips if the he/or she needs assistance. Having this type of learning environment is extremely important in my opinion because it helps kids not to be left behind, and just keep up with the rest of the students.

3.         The third concept that peaked my interest was Building Your Digital Identity as A Teacher. When applying for jobs now, most employers would like to see some form of technology based experience, due to the fact that all classrooms have tech devices being used on a regular day bases. “A digital identity addresses three goals important to aspiring teachers: building a multimedia resume, learning resources and teaching tools, and modeling technology for students.” Learning these skills and then applying them to the classroom could making teaching slightly easier and less stressful. By being in this class I am starting to build my own digital identity as an aspiring teacher.

In conclusion technology is here to stay, and it is our responsibility to learn and embrace it in our lives. Even this blog post was made by using a computer, a computer that will help me throughout this class, college, and my soon to be career.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.